Leadership Is an Art
Max De Pree. Doubleday Business, $21 (136pp) ISBN 978-0-385-26496-9
Rather than offering a how-to manual on running a business, DePree, CEO of Herman Miller Inc., a manufacturer of office furniture, details, in deceptively simple but imaginative language, a humanitarian approach to leadership. The artful leader, he argues, should recognize human diversity and make full use of his or her employees' gifts. Further, he believes, a leader is responsible not just for the health of a company's financial assets, but for its ethics. Advocating management through persuasion, and the exercise of democratic participation rather than concentrated power, he favors covenantal relationships with employees that rest on shared purpose, dignity and choice. The author stresses the need for communication, but his only direct guidance concerns the need for job performance reviews and self-evaluation. (Oct.)
Reviewed on: 08/01/1989
Genre: Nonfiction
Hardcover - 978-0-385-42738-8
Paperback - 176 pages - 978-0-440-50324-8