Devotions for Job Seekers: Daily Encouragement Along the Way
Richard Malone. Galilee Book, $10.95 (211pp) ISBN 978-0-385-50980-0
With layoffs and ""downsizing"" becoming a corporate reality for many workers, this niche devotional serves the growing population of Christians who find themselves ""in between"" jobs or careers. This is not a devotional for those seeking to make their jobs more spiritual, but for those seeking jobs; it addresses some of the feelings of hopelessness and panic that characterize periods of unemployment. Malone, now a v-p in the book distribution business, knows firsthand the bewilderment and identity loss of a sudden layoff, and he draws from that experience in writing these 120 daily meditations. Each meditation is based on a short passage from the Bible; the psalms of lament, of course, loom large here, and there's a fair amount of material from Job, Lamentations and the sufferings of Paul. Malone organizes the devotions in a rough chronological progression, dealing with the initial shock of a job loss, feelings of rejection and, finally, the courage and persistence needed to find another position.
Reviewed on: 09/01/2003
Genre: Religion
Open Ebook - 116 pages - 978-0-307-42356-6