cover image Breakup: The Coming End of Canada and the Stakes for America

Breakup: The Coming End of Canada and the Stakes for America

Lamont Lansing, Lansing Lamont. W. W. Norton & Company, $25 (267pp) ISBN 978-0-393-03634-3

In a compelling wake-up call that should stir wide debate, American Canadaphile Lamont ( Day of Trinity ) presents a plausible worst-case scenario of Canada's political disintegration and economic fragmentation. In his detailed forecast through the year 2002, French-speaking Quebec becomes a separate nation and its English-speaking residents disperse to escape authoritarian government; the western provinces patch together a regional alliance to counterbalance Ontario; British Columbia oscillates between sovereignty and American statehood; the Atlantic provinces form an anemic economic union and face political absorption by the U.S.; indigenous people stage acts of civil disobedience to reclaim ancient territories; massive indebtedness saps social welfare programs. Lamont also analyzes the Canadian national character and U.S.-Canadian relations throughout history. He predicts as well the frightening costs a Canadian breakup would have for the U.S., Europe, Latin America and the Third World. (Sept.)