Quick Fixes and Small Comforts: How Every Woman Can Resist Those Irresistible Urges
George Witkin. Villard Books, $17.95 (216pp) ISBN 978-0-394-56040-3
Psychologist Witkin (The Female Stress Syndrome, The Male Stress Syndrome) here offers counseling to women who turn to small and treacherous comforts when life goes sour. She quotes approximately 1000 interviewees who opt for a variety of quick fixes (sometimes fatal) rather than facing and trying to solve their problems: women who shop compulsively, depend on alcohol and other drugs, smoke, eat and sleep addictively, indulge in sex promiscuously. The first step to recovery, Witkin emphasizes, is admitting one's failings. Included are quizzes that can help readers to examine their own lives. The guide is full of insights, and appendixes provide information on how to find a therapist and organizations that offer support to victims of addiction. First serial to Parade magazine; Macmillan Book Club and Troll Book Club alternates; author tour. (May)
Reviewed on: 04/25/1988
Genre: Nonfiction