Preserving Today
Jeanne Lesem. Alfred A. Knopf, $23 (264pp) ISBN 978-0-394-58653-3
Making preserves summons up the image of a grandmother, in apron, laboriously labeling and storing all those jars. But today grandma could use her food processor and microwave to do the same work in fewer hours. Lesem, formerly UPI's food editor, gives uncomplicated directions on making jams and more--pickles, relishes, even desserts and beverages. She points out that home canning can help lower the sugar, salt and preservatives in one's diet. Plus the availability of exotic and hybrid fruits and vegetables allows for such inventions as Sweet Carabola Pickles and Kiwi-Lemon Preserves. But be forewarned: even with modern equipment canning takes time; readers should study the steps to success before attempting a recipe. Also required is equipment (jars, a good-sized kettle, a jar lifter). Lesem draws recipes from a number of sources--including regional and historical cookbooks--and laces the book with anecdotes and information on the history of preserves. Illustrations not seen by PW. (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 03/02/1992
Genre: Nonfiction