O Canada O Canada
Ted Harrison. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH), $14.95 (1pp) ISBN 978-0-395-66075-1
Where America the Beautiful (see review, p. 77) pays tribute to the 50 states, Harrison's handsome picture book is a praise song in honor of ``this beautiful land to the north . . . to me a land of color and wonder.'' Each province and territory in Canada is described in page-length text and facing illustration. Short on dates and other historical facts--perhaps because the book was originally published in Canada, where inclusion of such information might have seemed redundant--the text emphasizes Harrison's personal tastes. His sensibility, while good-spirited, may not export easily: young American readers won't understand many of Harrison's casual references. For example, when discussing Prince Edward Island, he states, without explanation, ``Friendships last a lifetime, just as they did in the time of Anne of Green Gables .'' Harrison's acrylics are whimsically stylized: mounted police, reindeer, a lighthouse, a quaint Nova Scotia cottage, mountains emerging in bold compositions of pinks, blues, yellows and orange. The effect is much like a series of appliqueed quilts. Other volumes may show more of the actual Canada in photographs, but this book winningly portrays one man's vision of the land he loves. A final spread includes the music and lyrics, both English and French, to the anthem ``O Canada.'' Ages 5-7. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 08/02/1993
Genre: Children's