Doctors Gde Instant
Ronald G. Nathan, Thomas E. Staats, Paul J. Rosch. Putnam Publishing Group, $17.95 (224pp) ISBN 978-0-399-13296-4
It is unfortunate that this straightforward, commonsensical guide to coping with stress has been burdened with a hyperbolic title and a gimmicky ""pocket guide to instant stress relief''a heat-sensitive card that measures hand warmth. Much of what is known about stress and its relief is here distilled into practical if not novel advice. Readers can determine their own stress profiles utilizing a checklist of symptoms and a seven-minute test. The authors describe a wealth of techniques for relieving stress, including biofeedback, breathing methods, tape recordings and a well-balanced diet. Exercise, they emphasize, is nature's best tranquilizer, but they suggest small, slow increments. They also remind readers that excessive weight can be stressful for body and mind. Their prescription is not a miracle diet, however, but what they call ``small changes that you could imagine doing the rest of your life.'' These reasonable strategies include drinking a glass of water before every meal, starting lunch or dinner with soup or salad, eating only when seated at the table, eating fewer fatty foods and brushing teeth after the evening meal. Nathan is a professor in family practice at Albany Medical College, Staats is a professor of psychiatry at Louisiana State University School of Medicine and Rosch is president of the American Institute of Stress in New York. (October 5)
Reviewed on: 09/30/1987
Genre: Nonfiction