cover image A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Capable, Grateful Kids in an Over-Entitled World

A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Capable, Grateful Kids in an Over-Entitled World

Amy McCready. Penguin/Tarcher, $26.95 (336p) ISBN 978-0-399-16997-7

Parenting expert McCready (If I Have to Tell You One More Time) has noticed a disturbing trend: an “epidemic” of entitled children who are demanding and spoiled. Parents, she asserts, spend too much time appeasing these little monarchs, thus depleting the resilience, independence, and self-reliance that children need to become successful, happy adults. McCready has packed her text with helpful tools (“Un-Entitlers”), beginning with “Mind, Body, and Soul Time” (MBST), which she says will turn negative behavior and feelings of entitlement around. The practice requires each parent to spend 10 minutes a day giving each child complete, undivided attention (for young children, twice daily). Children, according to her, have one essential psychological need: a sense of significance and belonging. MBST will fill a child’s “attention basket,” giving him or her little reason to act out. In ensuing chapters, McCready covers a wealth of other suggestions for helping kids become un-entitled, along with scripts parents can use and ideas for various ages from preschool to teen. This user-friendly guide is overflowing with practical, creative, and thoughtful strategies. (Aug.)