cover image Changes and Choices

Changes and Choices

Kathy McCoy. Perigee Books, $11.95 (140pp) ISBN 978-0-399-51566-8

The author of The Teenage Body Book here explains the angst of early puberty in a lively question-and-answer format. Her target audience will be engaged because she injects helpful, easy-to-digest lists into her answers, e.g., a quick but accurate analysis of smoking's benefits (seeming cool, having something to do with your hands) and consequences. Topics include family, school, friends, liking and loving, with welcome emphasis on ever-fluctuating feelings and, even more important, on developing decision-making skills. Readers will be attracted to the subheadings, often written in kids' lingo (``My parents are totally embarrassing''), and will benefit from the practical suggestions, complete with model scripts (``I feel hurt when I'm constantly compared to my older brother. . . .''). Ages 12-16. (Sept.)