No More Cellulite: A Proven 8 Week Program for a Firmer, Fitter Body
Wayne L. Westcott, Linda La Rosa. Perigee Books, $16.95 (224pp) ISBN 978-0-399-52857-6
Westcott, an editorial advisor for Shape and Prevention magazines, and La Rosa Loud, the founder of Fitness Network, believe that their research-based eight-week program""might"" help women replace fat with firm muscle. The dreaded""lumpy and bumpy"" stuff we call cellulite isn't a different kind of tissue, they say, but the result of""too little muscle and too much fat."" Their basic and easy-to-follow guide focuses on losing weight sensibly by adhering to a cardiovascular and strength training regimen, in addition to a healthy eating plan based on the USDA Food Guide Pyramid. The program stresses the importance of strength exercises in building muscle and raising the body's metabolic rates to fight the decline in metabolism that comes with age. The authors, both of whom are fitness experts at a Massachusetts YMCA, take care to provide modifications for the at-home athlete as well as the gym bunny. With clear demonstrative photos and two weeks of explicit eating plans and recipes, this guide will help readers follow the plan the authors used in their study--a plan whose faithful participants experienced a 10.3-pound change in their body composition. Cellulite reduction is a subjective measurement, but the women in the study all felt that there was improvement in their appearance. 49 pages of b&w photos
Reviewed on: 03/01/2003
Genre: Nonfiction