Our Children Forever: George Anderson's Messages from Childr
Joel Martin. Berkley Publishing Group, $12 (314pp) ISBN 978-0-425-14138-0
In their third book (following We Are Not Forgotten and We Do Not Die ), the trio of psychic Anderson; Martin, his co-host on the cable show Psychic Channels ; and Dreamgirl coauthor Romanowski, focus on Anderson's alleged conversations with children who have died. Grieving parents sought out Anderson, and in lengthy question-and-answer interviews sandwiched between reconstructions of the families' lives and their thoughts after the psychic's readings, Anderson pieces together details of the children's lives; deaths; current existences ``on the other side''; the relatives, friends and pets there with them; and their comforting words to their parents, absolving them of guilt and reassuring them of their love. All but two conversations are based, ``on videotape, on audiotape, or in notes Joel took while witnessing the reading'' (though which are which is not noted). Some parents in similar need of comfort will be convinced when Anderson immediately hits on a dead child's name. Skeptics, however, will find the similarity of opening gamuts (usually ``A male close to you passed'') and his backpedaling as he searches for the right answer less convincing (``he's telling me there's health involved, it's accidental, and it's very sudden. He showed me a car accident. But he says `It's not a car accident.' . . . And then he started talking about his health. I thought he was trying to tell me he didn't pass from a health problem''). (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 04/04/1994
Genre: Religion