The Lost Stars: Imperfect Sword
Jack Campbell. Ace, $26.95 (384p) ISBN 978-0-425-27225-1
Campbell’s third Lost Stars military SF adventure (after The Lost Stars: Perilous Shield) delivers all his signature attractions. The recently rebellious Free and Independent Midway Star System occupies an uncomfortably central position in the galaxy. President Gwen Iceni and Gen. Artur Drakon stand in defiance of their former oppressive employers, the Syndicate, but cannot escape the marks that organization has left upon them. Instead of yielding to the Syndicate method of fighting to total victory, they struggle to cooperate. Their fledgling military is left to defend the lives of the citizens against ruthless Syndicate CEO “Happy” Hua, who is determined to return all rebellious star systems to Syndicate control. Campbell’s focus on the details of the Midway fleet and ground forces makes for a fast-paced thrill ride that leaps nimbly from harrowing to heartbreaking to heroic. The tentative steps of establishing a new society are no less intense. Both new and returning readers will dive right in. (Oct.)
Reviewed on: 08/11/2014
Genre: Fiction