cover image Desiderata: Words to Live by

Desiderata: Words to Live by

Max Ehrmann. Scholastic Press, $15.95 (48pp) ISBN 978-0-439-37293-0

""Go placidly/ amid the noise and haste,/ and remember what peace/ there may be in silence."" Max Ehrmann's inspirational poem, first published in 1927, Desiderata: Words for Life, is here introduced to a new generation. Marc Tauss's photographs give it a cutting-edge feel: the opening line accompanies a full-color photograph of New York City at sunrise, nary a car in motion; opposite ""If you compare yourself/ with others,/ you may become vain or bitter,/ for always/ there will be greater/ and lesser persons/ than yourself,"" he pairs a b&w photograph of a statue of George Washington flanked by Roman columns. A portion of each sale will benefit Children's International Summer Villages and the Daniel Pearl Foundation.