Gary Yanker's Walking Workouts: How to Use Your Walking Body as the Ultimate Exercise Machine
Gary Yanker. Warner Books, $9.94 (210pp) ISBN 978-0-446-38267-0
Yanker, who teaches walking classes in New York, contends that ""the walking body is like a weight training and aerobic machine built into one.'' After convincingly explaining why systematic walking is the safest and most endurable method for physical and cardiovascular conditioning, he details four comprehensive workouts, ranging from basic to the strenuous. A third part shows how walking can be tailored for various age groups and used to enhance other exercise regimens. A directory of walking and hiking clubs and of tour opportunities in the U.S. and abroad adds value to this intriguing ``new'' twist to keeping fit. Photos not seen by PW. November
Reviewed on: 11/01/1985
Genre: Nonfiction