cover image A State of Mind: My Story

A State of Mind: My Story

J. Z. Knight. Warner Books, $9.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-446-51405-7

Knight has gained notoriety as the medium (or ""channel'') claiming to be in contact with Ramtha, the spirit of a warrior who supposedly lived in ancient Atlantis. Her pedestrian, self-indulgent autobiography skims the occult, focusing instead on her formative experiencesa brutal uncle who raped her when she was four; a girlhood spent in poverty in New Mexico; her blossoming sexuality during adolescence; her three marriages, the third for love. Yet the paranormal keeps intruding. During a slumber party, she saw a UFO. Fighting a near-fatal illness through meditation, she sent an electrical shock through her body that, she claims, cured her. And then there is Ramtha who keeps materializing in her kitchen in flowing purple robes, mouthing wisdom in stilted diction (``God be that which is termed your birthright''). This soggy psychic saga is only for the already converted. (October 15)