cover image The Hilton Head Over-35 Diet: Change Your Metabolism: Look and Feel Years Younger

The Hilton Head Over-35 Diet: Change Your Metabolism: Look and Feel Years Younger

Peter M. Miller. Warner Books, $18.45 (212pp) ISBN 978-0-446-51430-9

Amid the glut of diet fads and guides, Miller, a clinical psychologist and founder of the Hilton Head Health Clinic, has established an eating regimen for a unique market: the aging and overweight. Unlike quick-fix diets, Miller's, followed by thousands of over-35 patients at his clinic, attacks the underlying cause of age-related excess weightthe patient's ``metabolism is getting old.'' The goal of speeding up a sluggish metabolism inspires the largely commonsensical advice offered (e.g., drink plenty of water, keep servings small and low-cal, avoid sugar, exercise regularly). While pop-science terms such as ``metabo-meals'' (fruits and cereals) and ``thermal walks'' (walks after meals) betray promotional zest, in general tone and content have integrity. Well organized and deftly written to reach and hold the reader's interest, Miller's guide includes a brief education in the role of metabolism in diet; a useful question-and-answer section; a clearly defined menu and exercise schedule; and a hefty selection of simple and varied recipes. (Jan.)