Andrew S. Grove, . . Warner, $26.95 (304pp) ISBN 978-0-446-52859-7
"Jesus Christ was killed by the Jews, and because of that, all of the Jews will be thrown into the Danube," says a playmate to four-year-old Andris Grof—Grove's original name. Born to a middle-class Jewish family in 1936, Grove, chairman of Intel, grew up in Budapest during his country's most tempestuous era. Despite avoiding deportation and death, Grove's family lived in fear during Nazi occupation and lost some rights and property. Afterwards, they lived under Soviet control. Curiously, Grove's memoir charts the routinized mundanities of his teen years—seeing his teacher at the opera, being afraid to meet young women at the local public pool, the success of a short story he wrote—more than life in war-torn Europe. But his discussion of contemporary politics is astute and personal—"I had mixed feelings about the Communists... they had saved my mother's life and my own.... On the other hand... they increasingly interfered with our daily life." Never didactic, he remains focused on his own intellectual growth. Grove continued his education in New York after the 1956 revolution failed. The intelligence, dedication and ingenuity that earned him fame and fortune (he was
Reviewed on: 09/17/2001
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 978-0-446-55328-5
Open Ebook - 159 pages - 978-1-59995-535-3
Paperback - 304 pages - 978-0-446-67970-1