PRIDE OF OCTOBER: What It Was to Be Young and a Yankee
Bill Madden, . . Warner, $24.95 (464pp) ISBN 978-0-446-52932-7
It is a testament to the depth of New York Yankee history that a sportswriter, albeit a very good one, can profile 18 people connected to the team's past and deliver an absorbing story that traces much of the team's story through the eyes of the men who were there. Madden's goal, to capture as much of the team's past as possible, led him to Marius Russo, one of the last players alive to play with Yankee legend Lou Gehrig. The chapter on Russo, as well as on other Yankee old-timers Tommy Byrne and Charlie Silvera, are especially enjoyable since they shed light on the pre–WWII Yankees, while bringing attention to three players who are not generally known by most fans. Madden (coauthor of
Reviewed on: 03/17/2003
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 238 pages - 978-1-59995-637-4
Open Ebook - 1 pages - 978-0-446-55460-2
Paperback - 453 pages - 978-0-446-69269-4