Ir-Rev-Rend: Christianity without the Pretense. Faith without the Fa%C3%A7ade.
Greg Surratt. FaithWords, $19.99 (224p) ISBN 978-0-446-57212-5%C2%A0
Pastor of a successful megachurch in Mt. Pleasant, S.C., Surratt has written an accessible, engaging, and down-to-earth memoir that shows him to be an adept writer of a plain-spoken, colloquial variety. Divided into chapters titled "calling," "doubt," "mistakes," "sex," and "power," each conveys a teachable moment in which an unexpected turn of events becomes an opportunity to learn what Surratt believes is a lesson from God. Typically, these involve insights about humility, discipline, or forgiveness. The book's title notwithstanding, Surratt is far from an irreverent reverend. A Pentecostal preacher's son, he has chosen a well-trod path within the evangelical non-denominational subculture, one that precludes premarital sex and sees hell as a tangible terminus for many. Perhaps what's most distinctive about Surratt is his level-headedness, his ability to own up to his emotions, and his knack for not prejudging others. Fans of his Seacoast Church, known for its 14 locations across the larger Charleston region, will appreciate his straight-talking approach. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 10/24/2011
Genre: Religion