WALK AWAY THE POUNDS: The Breakthrough 6-Week Program That Helps You Burn Fat, Tone Muscle, and Feel Great Without Dieting
Leslie Sansone, . . Warner/Center Street, $21.95 (272pp) ISBN 978-0-446-57700-7
Twenty-five-year fitness industry veteran Sansone, whose videos have been megahits for the shopping network QVC, shares a nonintimidating, friendly workbook that promises to help overweight adults (she targets women, though men could certainly benefit from her advice, too) drop pounds and pick up energy. "Walking just thirty minutes a day, three times a week," she says, "reduces the risk of death from natural causes by 55%." That being fit will help you live longer isn't news, but Sansone's simple approach is refreshing. She details a six-week program that combines walking and basic strength training, promising readers they'll burn calories, lose fat, firm muscle, boost energy and reduce stress. With its daily log and continual encouragement, the book will best suit those new to exercise who aren't sure how or where to begin and need constant assurance (though Sansone does include a power walk program for readers who are already walking regularly or have completed the basic program). She interweaves her program notes with personal stories from women who've successfully "walked away the pounds" (20, 60 and even 100 pounds). This nonthreatening, accessible exercise plan should be a boon for those who are reluctant or unable to practice more intense exercise.
Reviewed on: 12/06/2004
Genre: Nonfiction
Hardcover - 978-0-446-57648-2
Open Ebook - 978-1-59995-207-9
Open Ebook - 182 pages - 978-1-59995-484-4
Paperback - 272 pages - 978-0-446-69335-6