Appetite for Murder
Cecile Lamalle. Warner Books, $19.99 (304pp) ISBN 978-0-446-60762-9
French chef Charly Poisson, co-owner of La Fermette, a restaurant in upstate New York, should be happy with his flourishing business. But then again, he has to deal with an alcoholic partner with a knack for falling down drunk in front of the customers. And when Charly goes out digging for some choice mushrooms, he accidentally unearths a woman's corpse. Initially, he leaves the investigation to local police, but as he begins to suspect his best customer, Walter Maxwell, his curiosity gets the best of him. When Charly shows up to cater a gala at Maxwell's house, a plan to permanently halt the chef's prying swings into action. LaMalle, debuting here, is at her best describing the workings of the restaurant and the delicious food (recipes included) that inform her debut, a pleasantly light repast for a hot summer's evening. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 08/02/1999
Genre: Fiction