Live, Laugh, Love Again: A Christian Woman's Survival Guide to Divorce
Michelle Borquez, Connie Wetzell, Carla Sue Nelson, . . Warner Faith, $12.99 (229pp) ISBN 978-0-446-69609-8
Finally a helpful, hopeful guide for conservative Christian women on how to survive divorce. The four authors have gone through divorce themselves, so they know the devastation it can bring both personally and to families. Yet instead of finger pointing, they offer honest words of hope for women facing this crisis. Each stage of divorce—shock, denial, anger, depression and acceptance—is openly discussed, with each author sharing her experiences, both good and bad. This is no clinical dissection of divorce, but a heartfelt, tear-filled personal journey that begins with each woman hearing "I want a divorce" and ends with joy in life and God. Readers will find brief life lessons, action steps to take and survival checklists in each chapter, plus lots of encouragement, humor and plain ol' girl talk. The best is what readers won't find: accusations about a divorced woman's spiritual weakness or the Bible used to force women into submission. These four have survived and want readers to understand they will, too: "You will live, you will laugh, and, yes, you will love again!"
Reviewed on: 12/19/2005
Genre: Nonfiction