cover image Farm Animals Jigsaw

Farm Animals Jigsaw

Lee Masters. Grosset & Dunlap, $9.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-448-18987-1

Four board books, in unusual shapes, sit in a flat tray like pieces of a jigsaw puzzlewhich is what they are. Each one has a picture of an animal on it and tells a little story about the animal pictured on its front cover. Young readers will learn that a sheep gives up a woolly coat to the farmer in the summerwool that will become something warm to wear by winter. The rooster crows, the horse takes children for rides and the cow, after giving milk, says ""Moo!. . . Can you say it, too?'' The books have blocky-looking, sweet-faced animals (although one could do without the demure eyelashes) and green, green countrysides. It's a clever way to get children playing with books, just before they read them. (1-4)