Stacey Previn. Viking, $16.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0-451-47148-2
Excuses offered by erring children often start, “I didn’t mean to, but...” Previn (Find Spot!) structures her story around this time-honored formulation as a mouse’s unwise choices lead to an exciting adventure. Aberdeen’s outsize ears hang down as he reaches for the string of a red balloon: “Aberdeen didn’t mean to leave the yard. But a balloon floated by, so he followed it.” Things escalate: “Aberdeen didn’t mean to fly away. But his tail got tangled in the string.” Fortunately, after a muddy landing, an acorn snack, and a scare with a large owl, Aberdeen finds that he’s not far from home. His mother deals gently but pointedly with his transgression. “I didn’t mean to make you worry,” Aberdeen protests. “I know, sweetie,” she replies. “But you did.” It’s an oddly scolding closing note, but otherwise the story hums along, and Previn’s watercolor vignettes focus the action while emphasizing Aberdeen’s mouse-size point of view. The message about making excuses is clear, but the story offers another lesson, too: sometimes, the offer of adventure is just too good to pass up. Ages 2–5. Agent: Steven Chudney, Chudney Agency. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 05/23/2016
Genre: Children's