cover image Simply Light Cooking

Simply Light Cooking

Weight Watchers, Inc Staf Weight Watchers Internati. Dutton Books, $23 (320pp) ISBN 978-0-453-01025-2

One might expect to find recipes for strawberry shortcake and oysters with herb butter in some cookbooks. But here? Weight Watchers, a diet leader for nearly 30 years, has produced a practical source for people who want to eat well and healthily, despite their hectic lives. Singles and families of four alike can call on this book for quick, nutritious meals. The meticulous recipes provide nutritional information along with preparation time and menu suggestions. Recipes are coded to indicate their cholesterol and/or sodium levels; they derive less than 30% of their calories from fat. The mouth-watering color photos make everything look good, but readers should take a moment to familiarize themselves with Weight Watchers cooking techniques before launching into brandy Alexander mousse or grilled rabbit in juniper berry marinade. Also, be aware that most rely on small amounts of ingredients; you may need only two ounces of tuna from a six-ounce can. (Jan.)