cover image The Reverse Diet: Lose Weight by Eating Dinner for
\t\t  Breakfast

The Reverse Diet: Lose Weight by Eating Dinner for \t\t Breakfast

Tricia Cunningham, Heidi Skolnik, .\t\t . Wiley, $24.95 (374pp) ISBN 978-0-470-05229-7

The adage "breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a \t\t pauper" inspired this book, for Cunningham, a motivational speaker who lost 172 \t\t pounds in nine months with that approach. She and coauthor Skolnik, a \t\t nutritionist, met while filming a food-centric segment for \t\t Good Morning America, and have paired up to \t\t recommend a lifestyle change that emphasizes fueling up with a larger meal \t\t early in the day and, in the later hours, replenishing as needed via snacks and \t\t smaller meals. While much of the duo's advice is not new (whole foods are \t\t preferable to processed ones, eat more vegetables, avoid sugary sodas), it is \t\t intriguing. Food lists, portion information and recipes help with planning \t\t ahead—preparing meals ahead of time is also key, the authors say. A section \t\t on setting realistic goals aims to help readers manage their expectations, and \t\t recommendations for using a "hunger scale" encourage mindfulness. \t\t (Jan.)
