Yarrow, consumer psychologist, and O’Donnell, a USA Today
reporter, explore the buying habits and influence of Generation Y—those born between 1978 and 2000—arguing that this cohort has become the nation’s tastemaker and is revolutionizing how companies do business and how marketers reach their audience. Thanks to extensive research, including one-on-one interviews, focus groups and a national online survey, the authors offer an astute look at the motivations of these powerful consumers. They show how societal shifts contributed to a generation that’s strongly connected to shopping; they also present Gen Y’s unique—often gendered—buying behaviors. Of particular interest is the chapter on what savvy marketers are doing to harness this group’s incredible buying power. The authors also include insightful commentary from Gen-Yers themselves who underscore how different their generation is from previous ones. This enlightening book is a must-read for all who hope to keep their companies relevant and viable. (Sept.)