Women Talk about Gynecological Surgery:: From Diagnosis to Recovery
Amy Gross. Clarkson N Potter Publishers, $22.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-517-58055-4
A skilled and innovative team has done it again. Gross and Ito ( Women Talk About Breast Surgery ) here survey major types of surgery involving the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries, from cesarean section and tubal ligation to hysterectomy and treatment of ovarian growths, benign or malignant. This book enjoys the same excellent format as their first; the authors pass on stories of real women in their own words and in full detail, whether involving symptoms, sometimes torturous diagnostic procedures, second and third opinions on therapy, surgery, recovery or aftermath. As before, readers receive not only instructive medical information but illuminating insights into emotions and physician-patient relationships. (Deserved criticism of less-than-laudable behavior by some surgeons never descends into indiscriminate dumping on doctors.) The in-depth interviews that make up the bulk of the book are followed by talks with medical experts; helpful rundowns on hospital procedures, insurance and patients' rights; and a glossary and bibliography. Like the authors' earlier work, this one belongs in every woman's library. (Mar.)
Reviewed on: 02/04/1991
Genre: Nonfiction