Horses in Circus Ring
Lynn Saville. Dutton Books, $13.95 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-525-44417-6
Action shots show the exciting vision of horses prancing around the center of the big top. Saville establishes, from the start, that although horses have a natural charm, it is the artifice of special training, costume and lights that add to their luster in the circus setting. She explains the different ways in which horses are employed by their trainers, everything from ``Solo'' riding to stunt riding to ``Comedy Partners,'' in which a horse misbehaves for its trainer right on cue. The book is a good idea, well-executed, and while there isn't any way for a still photograph to capture the antics of performers, Saville's work is a reasonable substitute for a day at the circus. Ages 5-9. (Mar.)
Reviewed on: 02/27/1989