Don't Let Death Ruin Your Life: A Practical Guide to Reclaiming Happiness After the Death of a Loved One
Jill Brooke. Dutton Books, $23.95 (270pp) ISBN 978-0-525-94569-7
Former CNN correspondent Brooke--who lost her father at 16 and later an unborn child--has interviewed hundreds of people about their loss of loved ones for this journalistic compendium of ways to transform grief into healing. Though not as deep or authoritative as other books on grieving, this one covers more ground. Emphasizing the futility and harmfulness of shutting out grief, Brooke suggests ways to remember and memorialize the departed. Women often find it easier to grieve than men, she notes, while children reprocess loss as they develop cognitively. Acknowledging that the path of grief is variable, she observes that only some friends turn out to be reliable sources of support; the Internet and journals can be useful resources, as are physical activity and therapy. Brooke advises those who are grieving to start a family genealogy, suggests strategies for honoring a deceased spouse in a new marriage, and proposes exercises for helping kids foster positive memories. For those facing the imminent death of someone with a terminal illness, she recommends a videotaping session, offering a list of questions for the subject and camera strategies (""film your subject at a 45-degree angle, or slightly sideways, for the best image""). She also reminds readers of the importance of writing a will and other estate planning, providing information and resources. (Feb.)
Reviewed on: 01/01/2001
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 288 pages - 978-1-4406-2114-7
Paperback - 288 pages - 978-0-452-28298-8