I'M NOT SLOWING DOWN: Winning My Battle with Osteoporosis
Ann Richards, with Richard U. Levine. . Dutton, $23.95 (188pp) ISBN 978-0-525-94691-5
In her trademark honest and no-nonsense style, former Texas governor Richards talks about not only her own osteoporosis but the disease's debilitating impact on her mother's life. Ona Warren, Richards's mother, was hardworking and tried never to be dependent on anyone else; however, when she began falling and was unable to take care of herself, Richards saw how much Warren suffered, not just physically but psychologically. Richards doesn't want to slow down her active lifestyle nor does she want to be a burden to her children. After fracturing her hand in 1994, Richards went for a bone density test and learned she had osteopenia, a condition that is often the precursor of the more serious osteoporosis. However, with treatment and an exercise program, Richards's health has been good and her condition has not worsened. In addition to her own story, Richards and her coauthor, physician Levine, explain the disease along with its causes and treatment, including both exercise regimen and medication. Richards admits to being a spokesperson for Evista, the medication she has taken, but the medical overview discusses a variety of treatments for osteoporosis. Although this is not as comprehensive as other women's medical texts, it is an accessible introduction that should help many readers, especially those unfamiliar with osteoporosis.
Reviewed on: 06/09/2003
Genre: Nonfiction
Hardcover - 233 pages - 978-0-7862-6067-6