cover image Vegetables from Small Gardens: A Guide to Intensive Cultivation

Vegetables from Small Gardens: A Guide to Intensive Cultivation

Joy Larkcom. Faber & Faber, $9.94 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-571-13664-3

The British author gives three excellent reasons for her extensive revision of this guide: spacing to produce wanted vegetables is no longer a case of guess work; new cultivars have been introduced and old ones are no longer available; experimentation in Larkcom's garden has provided her with more information to pass on to the reader. The easily grasped instructions are a boon to all home gardeners, particularly beginners. The first section discusses testing soil fertility, space saving, protection of the plots, tools and techniques, etc. The second part covers vegetablesartichokes through turnipslisted as annuals and perennials, with separate notes on herbs. Winson's attractive illustrations help identify plants and suggest ways of designing plots for vegetables of one's choice. Appendixes round out this valuable guide. (May)