Work That Counts: Breaking Down the Barriers to Extraordinary Results
Richard Lee. Portfolio, $28 (272p) ISBN 978-0-593-19146-0
It’s easy for workforces to become demoralized, but wise and thoughtful leadership can get a company back on track, stresses leadership consultant Lee in this cheerful if unoriginal debut. Even among hardworking and committed employees, discouragement and frustration can set in, he writes, when they come to feel like their best efforts aren’t having a meaningful impact. To address this, Lee has developed a training program to help companies foster in their employees a sense of empowerment in their own work, skills for collaborating within their own departments, and a sense of “alignment” with other departments. He suggests that managers ask their employees questions such as “Why is this work important? What are the broader benefits, not just to the company, but to the people (customers, partners, employees) impacted by the project?” He also directs leaders to model good communication by listening attentively to others. Though chatty and congenial, his advice won’t come as a revelation to anyone who’s read a leadership guide before. (Oct.)
Reviewed on: 08/17/2020
Genre: Nonfiction
Paperback - 272 pages - 978-0-593-85393-1
Audio book sample courtesy of Penguin Random House Audio