Eat Your Heart Out
Kelly deVos. Razorbill, $18.99 (352p) ISBN 978-0-593-20482-5
After high school junior and soccer captain Vivian Ellenshaw’s mother marries the teen’s fatphobic soccer coach, Vivian gets packed off to Camp Featherlite in Arizona—“the world’s fanciest fat camp.” Boarding the camp van, Vivian encounters the driver, a jock named Steve who disagrees with the camp’s ethos but needs the job; preppy Paul, the director’s son, who has his own reasons for attending; and finds that she’ll also be trapped at camp with her ex–best friend Allison. When a raging blizzard overtakes the van, the group encounters strange gray shapes and soon plunges into two nightmarish truths: they can’t trust the camp directors, whose “ ‘miracle cure’ for obesity” sets off warning bells, and zombies have overrun Featherlite. Tonal similarities between the four first-person voices, as well as the rapidly shifting perspectives, make it difficult to distinguish between speakers. DeVos (Fat Girl on a Plane) nevertheless moves the plot forward at breakneck speed, twining strong currents of body affirmation, satirical humor, and horror movie mainstays throughout as the protagonists fight back against corporate fatphobia. Ages 12–up. [em]Agent: Alice Sutherland-Hawes, Madeleine Milburn Ltd. (June)
Reviewed on: 04/29/2021
Genre: Children's
Other - 978-0-593-20484-9
Audio book sample courtesy of Penguin Random House Audio