Dolly Parton’s Billy the Kid Makes It Big
Dolly Parton with Erica S. Perl, illus. by MacKenzie Haley. Penguin Workshop, $19.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0-593-66157-4
With Perl, Parton expands her song “Makin’ Fun Ain’t Funny” into a bighearted anti-bullying fable starring a French bulldog with big dreams. “Born with an ear for music,” hound Billy the Kid heads to Nashville to pursue dreams of joining a country music band. Despite months “wishing, hoping, and practicing,” an encounter with dog musician Big Earl soon leaves Billy discouraged (“It had been a ruff day”). But Billy finally makes it to the Battle of the Bow-Wows after joining a band of small dogs, and when Big Earl starts picking on someone else, the puptagonist hatches a plan to defend his friends so they can give a “totally pawsome” performance. Warm pastel-hued rainbows carry musical notes throughout Haley’s images of cartoon pooches in a message-driven story that includes plenty of Easter eggs for Dolly fans. Lyrics to “Makin’ Fun Ain’t Funny” conclude. Ages 4–7. (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 06/08/2023
Genre: Children's
Audio book sample courtesy of Penguin Random House Audio