Living from the Heart: Heart Rhythm Meditation for Energy, Clarity, Peace, Joy, and Inner Power
Puran Bair. Three Rivers Press (CA), $19 (336pp) ISBN 978-0-609-80313-4
For anyone interested in meditation or handling stress more successfully, Bair provides a manual. Without sacrificing the intricacies of Eastern philosophy, Bair deftly presents the ancient practice of meditation as a modern tool for coping with life's tribulations and makes meditation more accessible by showing that a person doesn't have to retreat to a mountain top or a meditation center to enjoy meditation's benefits. He teaches Heart Rhythm Practice, a technique that uses heartbeat and breathing exercises to calm the mind, and the book is full of examples of people who use the method to cope with difficulties in work and family life. The bulk of the book offers step-by-step guides to Heart Rhythm Practice and concludes with chapters on the problems meditatators face. Filled with practical advice, this book outlines a method of meditation that can be usefully incorporated into everyday life. (July)
Reviewed on: 06/29/1998
Genre: Nonfiction