The Tapestry of Spirit
Erik Paul Rocklin. Elucidare, $13.95 paper (230p) ISBN 978-0-615-59569-6
In prose of crystalline purity, Rocklin escorts readers along a boy's mystic journey inspired by a dream and culminating in a vision of universal compassion as the ultimate good.%C2%A0The "Tapestry of Spirit" consists of the interweaving of individual destinies, and is most clearly understood when the "clutter of the World is brushed aside." This conflict of World and Spirit, underscored in several passages, leads to perils and distractions from the journey. The struggle is resolved by grasping that the wisdom of the heart excels over that of the head. If Rocklin's travelers occasionally belabor their profundities, the repetitions reinforce the book's atmosphere of serenity.%C2%A0The association of wise figures with Nature provides a parallel to the boy's growing understanding of his true nature. In this allegorical story, Rocklin offers a superior take on well-known tropes, and although his travelers find nothing that others have not realized, his engaging vision will reward fans of this genre.
Reviewed on: 02/18/2013
Genre: Fiction