Staying Home Instead: How to Quit the Working-Mom Rat Race and Survive Financially
Christine Davidson. Lexington Books, $12.95 (174pp) ISBN 978-0-669-12878-9
Millions of women are fed up with jobs outside the home, according to Davidson, a former teacher who is now self-employed. While acknowledging the gains of the women's movement, she is critical of radical feminism and the media's glamorization of working women, stating, ""Contemporary culture communicates a message that few of us miss: it's not all right for an intelligent woman to stay home.'' She describes her family and work experiences and offers a guide on making financial and emotional assessments about staying at home, reducing expenses, dealing with social pressures and adapting to fulltime mothering. She also examines opportunities in ``alternative employment'' (part-time, temporary, half-day, short-term and job-sharing) and possibilities for work at home and concludes with a valuable appendix of resources. (May)
Reviewed on: 01/01/1986
Genre: Nonfiction
Hardcover - 174 pages - 978-0-669-11266-5