The Tellington Ttouch: 2a Breakthrough in Healing and Communication with Animals
Linda Tellington-Jones. Viking Books, $21 (304pp) ISBN 978-0-670-82578-3
Tellington-Jones, an animal handler, here collaborates with Taylor ( The Last Run ) to explain the ``TTouch''sic as a simple therapeutic animal-handling technique--``You make circles holding your fingertips, your fingers, or your hand in various positions using varying pressures''--that produces diverse results. To judge from the author's work since 1976 with assorted species (cats, dogs, horses, farm animals, exotics, even reptiles), the TTouch can dramatically alter animal behavior and ``problem'' personalities, speed up healing, alleviate pain, relieve tension and allow the animal and its keeper to work as a sensitive, cooperative team. Used in conjunction with positive ``visualization'' and techniques for mind-body realignment meant to change keepers' attitudes toward themselves as well as animals, the TTouch appears to engage not only practical but mystical bodywork, encouraging more intuitive communication between animals and humans. Tellington-Jones stresses that animals are not ``lesser'' creatures fit for domination; rather, they are complex emotional beings with whom we can live with mutual trust and pleasure. Entertaining and often moving, the manual may well inspire many to try the technique. Illustrations not seen by PW. (Mar.)
Reviewed on: 03/02/1992
Genre: Nonfiction