Closing Amercn Min
Allan Bloom. Simon & Schuster, $18.45 (400pp) ISBN 978-0-671-47990-9
Plato said that music was a barbaric art form, and Bloom, translator of Plato's Republic, charges that rock 'n' roll's sole attraction is a ""barbaric appeal to sexual desire.'' This University of Chicago professor claims that racial segregation among today's students is largely due to the fact that ``blacks have become blacks'' and stick together. He brands Margaret Mead as a ``sexual adventurer'' whose call for cultural diversity betrayed her indifference to American ideals embodied in th Declaration of Independence. Marred by the author's biases, this jeremiad laments the decay of the humanities, the decline of the family and students' spiritual rootlessness and unconnectedness to traditions. Bloom traces what he sees as as an antiEnlightenment attitude in our society that dates back to Rousseau. He calls for a ``Great Books'' educational program that would teach students the unity of the sciences, social sciences and arts. (April)
Reviewed on: 03/31/1987
Genre: Nonfiction