Save Your Business a Bundle: 202 Ways to Cut Costs and Boost Profits Now--For Companies of Any Size
Daniel Kehrer. Simon & Schuster, $21.5 (320pp) ISBN 978-0-671-78893-3
In this glib book, which reads like a newsletter and lacks intrinsic coherence, Kehrer ( 12 Steps to a Worry-Free Retirement ) argues that ``the results of a slow-motion cost-cutting revolution will jam the business profitability accelerator to the floor.'' He outlines his solutions. Curb mailing costs (``pre-sorting mail gets you a discount of about 15%''); develop cash-generating recycling programs; reduce packaging costs; review travel and entertainment expenditures (``the biggest travel savings of all come from not traveling ''); and use technology (``electronic payments also ensure that quick payers can earn early payment discounts right up to the deadline'') Some of his suggestions are questionable (fix your own computer). While uneven, the book presents several sensible ideas. Fortune Book Club alternate. (Feb.)
Reviewed on: 01/31/1994
Genre: Nonfiction