The Double Life of Angela Jones
Hila Colman. Morrow Junior Books, $12.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-688-06781-6
Angela grew up poor in a tough neighborhood, which didn't really prepare her for life as a scholarship student at a prestigious boarding school. Most of her classmates seem spoiled and snobbish, and Angela is reluctant to get to know any of them better. Then she meets Andy, a local boy who works at the gas station in town. Their first date is a big success, but for one problem: Andy believes that Angela is as rich as the other kids at her school, and she is reluctant to disillusion him. Her supposed wealth nearly destroys their relationship, but when the truth comes out, true love triumphs. And Angela's experiences force her to reexamine her preconceptions about the rich. Peppy Angela is a likable heroine and much of her story is quite engaging, but her world is too neatly divided into unhappy wealthy brats and regular kids with hearts of gold. This simplistic approach to the issues of class and wealth will leave some readers unsatisfied. Ages 12-up. (May)
Reviewed on: 04/25/1988
Genre: Children's