Losing Sleep: How Your Sleeping Habits Affect Your Life
Lydia Dotto. William Morrow & Company, $21.95 (342pp) ISBN 978-0-688-09131-6
As part of this timely work on the still mysterious nature of sleep, Toronto-based science writer Dotto records the findings of laboratory tests--including her own 50-hour ordeal as a test subject--regarding the effects of sleep deprivation (from which scientists believe most people in urban, industrial societies suffer). In a fluent narrative, she explains how, starting with the electric light bulb, today's 24-hour economy and lifestyle, imposed by technology, disrupts human circadian rhythms and inner clocks, leading to major sleep and health disorders and impaired performance and safety in industry, transportation, sports, etc. Among suggested solutions, the author cites substituting multiple naps--common to animals--in place of long, single periods of sleep. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 08/29/1990
Genre: Nonfiction