cover image Barry's Sister

Barry's Sister

Lois Metzger. Atheneum Books, $15.95 (227pp) ISBN 978-0-689-31521-3

Masterfully written and well-researched, Metzger's first novel is an affecting portrayal of a girl's reaction to a brother born with cerebral palsy. Ellen, 11, lives in New York City with her mother Loretta and her father, a submariner who's away for extended periods. When Loretta announces her pregnancy, Ellen is resentful, and after Barry is diagnosed, the girl's inner turmoil is manifested in poor grades, lying and shoplifting. But while homebound by an illness, she grows to love her brother with an intensity that soon allows time only for schoolwork and taking care of him. The situation is rectified when Loretta and newly acquired friends help Ellen achieve a wiser perspective. Although at times Ellen's narration sounds somewhat precocious, this accomplished novel, which takes its protagonist through puberty, junior high, a quasi-crush and eventual maturity, deserves space on YA bookshelves. Ages 10-up. (Apr.)