Sound: A Creative, Hands-On Approach to Science
Wendy Baker. Aladdin Paperbacks, $12.95 (48pp) ISBN 978-0-689-71665-2
These four volumes in a new series promise ``a creative, hands-on approach to science''--they fail to mention, however, that the ``hands'' will frequently be those of An Adult who is referred to in the books' refrain, ``Ask an adult to help you.'' Each title is jammed with science projects. Some are simple (put food dye into water, insert a white carnation and watch its petals change color as it absorbs the water), others are stimulating (make a model electric train), a good number are arts-and-crafts (construct and play a board game only nominally about the environment). Instructions presuppose adult supervision--they call for hazardous supplies (copper sulphate powder) and potentially dangerous equipment (X-Acto knives, drills, hacksaws), and directions are far too general for the target audience. Only those with the handiest of helpers will construct anything like the precise, prettily propped models. Thanks to its intermingling of silhouetted color images, captions and blocks of text, the design suggests those by Dorling Kindersley--as the layouts can be difficult to follow, however, the resemblance is merely passing. Ages 7-10. (Mar.)
Reviewed on: 03/01/1993
Genre: Children's