cover image The Run

The Run

Stuart Woods. HarperAudio, $25 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-694-52267-5

If at times a bit unbelievable, Wood's account of an idealistic politician's presidential campaign moves quickly and provides readers with many intriguing plot twists. By unusual circumstance, Will Lee, a well-respected senator from Georgia, is thrown into a run for the United States presidency. Though Will remains courageously true to his principles as campaign staffers cobble together his strategy, the path to the presidency proves fraught with difficulties and danger. For, in addition to unscrupulous political adversaries, Will must contend with an affair from 10 years past and an assassin from a right-wing militia group. Howard fluctuates between reading the story straight and acting out its characters. This is not a problem, however, as his pacing is superb and his deep voice is the perfect timbre for this suspenseful tale. Simultaneous release with the HarperCollins hardcover (Forecasts, Apr. 24). (June)