cover image Feminism & Politics of Lit Reputa.

Feminism & Politics of Lit Reputa.

Charlotte Templin. University Press of Kansas, $29.95 (233pp) ISBN 978-0-7006-0708-2

Templin, professor of English at the University of Indianapolis, here analyzes the critical response to the writings of Erica Jong (Fear of Flying) and argues that the reviewing establishment is steeped in patriarchal attitudes hostile to women writers. Jong's female characters, who revel in their sexuality, Templin contends, challenge male-dictated cultural values and threaten a literary establishment that denigrates her work and dismisses her as a publicity seeker. Although Templin marshals some interesting evidence-documenting a correlation between positive reviews and the amount of advertising space publishers buy, as well as pointing out the critical success male writers have had in dealing with sexual issues-her thesis is overwritten. Clearly a Jong devotee, Templin includes far too many quotes from reviewers to support a viewpoint that is repeatedly stated. (Apr.)