Picture It in Cross Stitch
Jo Verso. David & Charles Publishers, $19.95 (128pp) ISBN 978-0-7153-9098-6
This useful book offers eminently stitchable images and sound advice to start the reader off on the proverbial right foot toward original needlework. Embroidered pieces, portrayed in photographs, run the gamut from monogrammed gifts (e.g., napkin rings) to documentary samplers, and are accompanied by cut and sew directions, when needed. After offering instruction in the stitches, Versoa prizewinning Irish craftswoman and teacherproceeds to the process of designing. She demonstrates the ``squaring up'' of images so they can be rendered in full cross-stitch, cross-stitch, backstitch and French knot. She goes on to discuss composing a piece on graph paper within a framing border. Numerous bands, borders and alphabets are charted to this end, as well as framed texts, family trees, birth records and a christening announcement. Small gifts (e.g., framed initials) are not neglected. And a ``pattern library'' introduces 30-odd colored charts of animals, people, objects and symbolsfrom coffeepots to ballerinasfor the reader's easy reference and application. (Dec.)
Reviewed on: 10/01/1988