What’s Next?: The Journey to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference
Chris Hodges. Thomas Nelson, $17.99 trade paper (256p) ISBN 978-0-7180-9156-9
Hodges (The Daniel Dilemma), founder and senior pastor of Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Ala., offers Christians a road map to maturity and a meaningful relationship with God. Hodges believes in a “forgiving God” who does not direct one’s life, but instead invests every person with the ability to make rational choices. To that end he lays out four necessary but complicated steps to attaining a “purposeful, joyful, and significant” life: “knowing God, finding freedom, discovering purpose, and making a difference.” Hodges discusses the importance of coming to God through baptism, and offers instructions for prayer and reading plans for the Bible. Then, in order to help readers attain new freedom from doubt, he considers the insidious power of lying to oneself (comparing fears and self-delusions to Stockholm syndrome) and provides guidelines for cultivating healthy relationships (“risk being real... and know when to walk away”). Finally, he explores how to think about one’s purpose, including writing prompts to spur further contemplation, and ideas for action. Unfortunately, his ideas for action lack inspiration and specificity, with advice such as “give your talent” and “join a ministry team.” Hodges’s simple guide will aid any Christian reader wishing to reevaluate their purpose in life. (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 02/01/2019
Genre: Religion
Compact Disc - 978-1-7213-4681-3
MP3 CD - 978-1-7213-4680-6
Open Ebook - 256 pages - 978-0-7180-9157-6