My So-Called Life as a Submissive Wife
Sara Horn. Harvest House, $12.99 trade paper (208p) ISBN 978-0-7369-5283-5
In a sequel to her My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife, the founder of Wives of Faith, a ministry to military wives, follows a “One-Year Experiment... and Its Liberating Results” by being submissive to her husband. Horn chronicles her experiences in somewhat disorganized journal fashion, offering thoughts and lessons learned during the process, but doesn’t tackle the subject in a broader or theological sense. Humor laces anecdotes about how she doesn’t always succeed at being a helper; how her husband doesn’t always understand to be the leader (one hopes she submissively asked his permission to include his failures); and how her efforts to put God first do seem to result in improvements in their home. Just what does it mean to be a submissive wife in today’s culture which demands equality and just how far can she take charge to ensure her husband’s leadership? This book will appeal to those who already are committed to submitting to their husbands, but won’t satisfy those looking for debate on the interpretation of biblical verses requiring that wives submit nor will it be very useful for those whose husbands are not as easy to get along with as Horn’s. Agency: Alive Communications. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 06/10/2013
Genre: Nonfiction